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A day of Inside out, the movie

My day using inside out, the movie

It started off with Joy, not jubilation or glee but a slight satisfaction that I completed a task early which allowed me to move other things around.

Then there was a bit of fear or worry about what would be the 'best thing' to do next and some satisfaction with a job well done but a tinge of disgust that I couldn't quite finish what I set out to do.

Some sadness set in, even though the day seemed to be on track. Maybe it was disappointment still filtering through.

Then a bit of anger, could have been disgust in disguise because I couldn't disengage my mind long enough to rest adequately and recover for the next section of the day. I was still on track but the brain slowly disengaged throughout the afternoon.

Disgust struck again when I sat down to eat something and I wasn't even hungry...I definitely wasn't bored but I did feel like something was missing.

I settled into an afternoon of joyful fear aka flow where there was some creativity and then some distraction which became anger (frustration) and then disappointment (disgust) with another incomplete task. Satisfaction (Joy) seemed to be difficult to return to after this point because nothing seemed quite right.

Now, at the end of it all, I look back and see everything that got accomplished and wonder why it feels more meh🤷 than yippee 🎉

Emotional awareness and mastery relates back to the 6 Pillars of the Whole Player Model by tying into mindset, Self-management and relationships, with self and others.

Fitness Alliance International uses pre- and post-session check-ins on a physical, mental and emotional level to enable clients to build their awareness of these states and how they can impact their performance.

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