Coming from the perspective of the 6 pillars of the Whole Player Model - Skills, Mindset, Nutrition, Self-management, Recovery and Relationships - today the discussion is on the final (but no less important) Pillar, Relationships.
Christine Arylo and her friend Shasta discuss, in particular, female relationships but this discussion can be carried over into broader society and melded into professional, personal, romantic and other relationships we experience on a daily basis.
They discuss cultivating relationship and how it is an active process, like in a garden, of planting the seeds and giving it the nourishment it needs each day (or with each interaction).
It brought to mind the saying that "People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime" and it is a reminder that there are some relationships that we hold on to past their best before date and we may need to let them go...or they have gone stale and we need to develop ways to refresh them and bring them back to life
The ladies also open up about the 5 circles or levels of friendship and how those we meet make it to the next level.
Have a listen and see where you might be willing or able to up level your relationships.